Saturday, November 6, 2010

Photos again

I have been spending 3 weeks taking photos, and I feel that it's very hard to take nice photos that I have in my mind. So I decided that I should do some research also not just taking photos.

Here's my statistics!

There are about 1,191 buildings in Bangkok and 305 are skyscrapers.
Estimated over 660,000 people use BTS and MRT daily.
In 2009 alone 700,000 cars were sold.
There are 1.5 million home phone and 19 million mobile users.

These are the five photos I pick from my journey.


  1. Hi Panod
    This is Eva, I like how you get involved with your topic. Just don't make yourself nervous thinking too much about it, sometimes the best pictures pop up bythemselves if you just go with the flow ;-) Good luck
