Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I'm done with the photo book, after I have tried uploading it up for so many times and it have been failing ever since yesterday. So I decided to pray hoping that this file will not have errors again, and I leave my computer alone. About half an hour later it's done. I am so relived.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Problems in Uploading

In the morning today I check my final piece again to make sure, and have been trying to upload the file since morning. It seems like issuu is seems to have problems for me, for when I try uploading it up, it finishes, and when it converting, it took a very long time, and several hours later it show me a message saying that it fail. So here I am sitting in front of the computer waiting for it to finish, so I would be able to finally sent this piece to my teacher.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Get Organized!

Since I finish my draft photo book last week, and let my teacher look at it, and there was one thing I learned. I just knew that a good photo book requires many things. Beautiful pictures, correct wordings, design that is organized, unity, love, talent and imagination. A good photo book that we saw in the public, came from hard word to make it all nice. So I am making an adjustments to make everything organized. And will be uploading the new photo book up shortly.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Finish my first draft

Yay I finish my first draft today, and I already upload it up to and I will be going to show it to my teacher today yay :D

Monday, November 15, 2010

Little more photos

I have found the right program to use it which is the Microsoft Words for mac and I use a special word that acts like publisher in Windows, and so far it helps me a lot.

Also I try to have all of my photos into place, and after choosing my photos I have realize that I need a little more photos, that relates to pollution, and heat. So I walk around my house and here is what I found.

This one is what I've found in my neighborhood and yes it is not a good thing to have.

Problem, PROBLEM, PROBLEMS!!!!! :(

I have been having problems lately, trying to find the right program to do this photo book. I've tried Word (It's hard and difficult to format), Powerpoint (Easy but don't have borderless), iPhoto (came out ok, but it is not flexible at all, and it's seems like I am cheating). I'm depressed! Due next week and I can't get it together! T______T I am going to try publisher, but seems like the window I am using is having a virus. :(

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Need more photos

I still need more photos

So I rode on the BTS and MRT and go to many places around the city, and my shots are buildings, and people using public transportation, to show that lots of people use public transportation.