Friday, October 22, 2010

Idea Sent!

After two days of deciding that X and Y Generation topic might be a good topic to do, I compose an email and send to Aj. Piyatat.

Dear Aj. Piyatat,

I am planning to do a photo book about X and Y Generation, showing the changes in the society in the past 60 years. How the old and new society fit into each other perfectly. How life keeps on changing.
Would this topic be usable?

Panod Srisinsuphya

Quick enough 4 hours and 59 minutes later I got an email saying:

Your idea is very broad, I recommend you focus on particular topic. X & Y generation sound interesting. Do you really think Old & New society fit perfectly? What is your definition of old & new society?



With questions being asked, I was stunned and began to think what can I focus? But nothing that I could think of, maybe I need to change my topic, but still with this determination I keep on thinking.

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